Perplexing Life

Friday, October 13, 2006

Piranha Death Ray

Im gonna mix a whole album for a band called Piranha Death ray.
They recorded at the Bark. they still think mix need to be more artistic sounds. not just sounds clear and Professionals.
I mixed their single B-side, and then they really liked it. So I got this offer yesterday. Cool init?!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


A new flat mate dropped some of his stuff last night. one of them was a sleeping bed and a tent. Are these so necessary?
then He starts living together from 4th Oct. Wish we get on with.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I did vocal recording for Bosanova unit. A Japanese lady and a Brazilian man. They both sing in Portuguese. I never understand what they sing about. I felt passion, vibe from the language.
The Session started from 6PM, finished 5AM. knockered...

Magical studio tour

Japanese students visited the Bark studio.

One of my colleague began working in an Audio Engineering college in Tokyo as a teacher. The school has a school trip going to England, America etc, every 2years. He inquired me if the students are able to sight the Bark.
The school usually visit famous studios like the Abbey road, Air studio, Metropolitan studio and so on. The Bark is far different from those big names. But students and teachers were pleased to sight unique studio, and unique Brian.

Later on, I sneaked in musical with them. The teachers and me had a curry and booze.
It was really intellectual to talk to very experienced teachers. I could hear sort of secret story from them.

Oh yes, Actually, 2days before studio tour, I went to a small city in the South of England with them, nearby Brighton. there is super monitor company, B&W factory.